Rev is the debut solo release by Perry Farrell. Released on November 9, 1999 by Warner Brothers, Rev is more of a Perry Farrell compilation rather than a solo album as the bulk of the musical content covers Perry’s career with Jane’s Addiction and Porno For Pyros. The cover of Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love used on this album is very different than the live versions performed by Jane’s Addiction in the early 1990s, and is much more electronically driven.
It is speculated that this album was to get Perry out of his existing contract with Warner Brothers records. Shortly after this album was released, Perry signed with Virgin records who released his full-length solo debut.
Jane’s Addiction and Porno For Pyros’ drummer Stephen Perkins also performs on the track Rev.
Alternate Versions:
There are two promotional advance CD version of this album that includes all sixteen tracks. One is simply titled “Hits”, indicating it was released before the Rev name was chosen.
Additionally, there are two sampler promos. The first uses the album’s cover as it’s cover, and a second version with standard promotional packaging and a yellow sticker on the front of the jewel case.
Track Listings:
- Rev
- Whole Lotta Love
- Been Caught Stealing (remix)
- Jane Says
- Stop!
- Mountain Song
- Summertime Rolls
- Kimberly Austin
- Tonight
- Tahitian Moon
- Pets
- Cursed Male
- 100 Ways
- Hard Charger
- Ripple
- Satellite of Love
Tracks 1-2 are Perry solo songs. Tracks 3-7 and 15 are Jane’s Addiction songs. Tracks 8-14 and 16 are Porno For Pyros songs.
Sampler Track Listing:
- Rev
- Whole Lotta Love
- Mountain Song
- Been Caught Stealing (remix)
Release Date: 11/09/1999
Released By: Warner Brothers
ID Number(s): 47544, 2-47544-AB (Advance CD), PRO-CD-4239 (Sampler), PR 01710 (Slim-Case Sampler)
Medium(s): CD, Cassette, iTunes, Amazon MP3
Time: 65:07, 15:51 (Sampler)
- Cover
- Inside 1
- Inside 2
- U-Card
- Disc
- Advance Cover
- Advance Back
- Advance Disc
- Sampler Sticker
- Sampler U-Card
- Sampler Cover
- Hits Sampler
- German Acetate Cover
- German Acetate Back
- German Acetate U-Card
- German Acetate Disc
- US Promo Acetate Cover
- US Promo Acetate Inside Cover
- US Promo Acetate Disc
- UK Promo Acetate U-Card
- UK Promo Acetate Disc
- UK Promo Acetate Note Front
- UK Promo Acetate Note Back
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