Greedy Was The Beggar

Greedy Was The Begger is a song by the band Psi Com. It was never officially released. It is worth noting the correct spelling is Beggar, but in hand-written lyrics Perry Farrell used on a flyer for the band, he used the misspelling “begger”.  A band flyer, including lyric excerpts, would eventually be used for the inside liner notes of Triple-X Records’ re-release of the band’s self-titled album.


Beggar beggar wrote upon the wall
Why must honesty be so obscure?
And other phrases but he stole them all
Oh! poor fella he did it all
Greedy was the beggar
Greedy was the beggar
Beggar beggar what I don’t know
Why must he just think if he’s gonna score?
He really wants you, a real hoe
Greedy was the beggar
Greedy was the beggar
Am I wrong? Fuck you!
Suck………my dick!
Beggar beggar why is he gonna score?
He’s gonna get himself and us a whore
He really wants you to hump his dick
Yeah your humping now, his dick!
Greedy was the beggar
Greedy was the beggar
I let you in
You are you, once more
The beggar was
The beggar was
The beggar was
The beggar was
Greedy was the beggar
Greedy was the beggar
Greedy was the beggar
Greedy was the beggar

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