BAM – April 7, 1989
Jane’s Addiction
Something Shocking [Soul Kiss]
By Rosemary Galten
Pg. 30Anyways, I was at my other part-time job at an animal emergency hospital, where you see a lot of smashed cat and dog faces from unpleasant confrontations with nasty autos, when just such a cat was brought in. After most of the blood was sprayed off, I was the lucky individual who had to take its temperature, and for those of who don’t (sic) know, that means taking a thermometer and… So this pathetic feline is looking up at me with the eye that’s still in its socket, as if to say, “You’re not going to shove that into my rear, are you?”
Which brings to mind Something Shocking, the latest video treat from Jane’s Addiction. Except for “Mountain Song” and a good little acoustic number, “City,” the rest of this 24-minute vid features the spry antics of Perry Farrell and the rest of his Nothing’s Shocking gang. What, exactly do we have here? Well, as Joe Bob might say… 21 breasts (Perry’s, mostly). No dead animals. A gratuitous bathroom scene from Eric Avery. Eel-beating-fu. Bottle rocket in bedroom-fu. Gratuitous Perry underwear scene. Imitation John and Yoko scene. Luscious apple-eating by Steve Perkins. Diaper-dancing-fu. Plaster-casting-fu. Perry with makeup. Perry without makeup. Bandmembers french-kissing each other. Roosters. Cats. Handcuffs. Rose’s Video Award nominations to Perry’s girlfriend, Casey, for giving him a snuggy in SupperSlowMo, and to Dave Navarro for the line, “I want to show you guys a trick my eel can doo.” Four-and-a-half Twinkies. Rose G. says, check it out.
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