Dominator is a song by Porno For Pyros. It was played fairly regularly between 1993-1995, but was never released on any album. It does, however, appear on the Tahitian Moon single. This song is frequently misnamed as Don’t Need Her or Dominate Her.
Man pulls hair
Holds the mouth
Of the girl
She wants him
Pull her hair
Hold her down
Dominate her!
Dominate her!
Dominate her!
It ain’t a woman that beat him down
Wait a few years and gets her back
Puts his little baby back on the rock
Dominates her!
Dominates her!
Dominates her!
She was molested by her father at the age of three and a half
Made her into a liar
He always liked to fantasize
They fell in love
They fell in love
Man loves a woman
More than she knows
How he shows
Needs to try
Break her spirit
For his heart
Dominate Her!