Starry Eyes

Starry Eyes is a song by Peter DiStefano.  A version with slightly different lyrics is known as Starry-Eyed.


Starry Eyes version:

Starry eyed, I love you
Starry eyed look, I love you

I know that to recreate
My life of little hope
With the glimmer of light in her eyes
The only chance I have
I found through you

Now that I’m doin’ fine
I owe it to that girl
That helped me see the light
My light of little hope

Starry-Eyed version:

Starry eyed, I love you
Starry eyed girl, I love you

I know that to recreate
My life of little hope
With the glimmer of light in her eyes
The only chance I ever got through you

Starry eyed, I love you
Starry eyed girl, I love you

Now that I’m doin’ fine
I owe it to that girl
That helped me see the light
My light of little hope

Starry eyed, I love you
Starry eyed girl, I love you

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