Lollapalooza 2010 Galleries

We’ve added twelve galleries of exclusive pictures from this year’s Lollapalooza festival taken by our own Christy Borgman of L.A. Woman Photography.  There are pictures of Perry Farrell’s press conference, two performances at the show, his after party performance, performances from Peter DiStefano, Soundgarden and much, much more.  Check them out here.

We’re Back!

After an explosive day of traffic yesterday, our database went down and we were forced to be offline for a while.  We’re back up and have made a few changes that should hopefully fix the problems from yesterday.  Thanks for being patient!

Jane’s Addiction Discography Updated

I’m very happy to announced that we’ve completed our overhaul of the Jane’s Addiction discography.  All primary releases (albums, singles & demos) have been overhauled and integrated into the new site format.  Each entry includes a lot more information.  We’ve also added tons of new scans, as well as upgraded countless of our existing scans.  These articles are far more detailed that our previous incarnation, and all titles are granted a single page as opposed to pages for each version.

We’ll continue to update and improve this section, as well as continue our expansion of this upgrade across other bands.  If you have missing scans, or can upgrade existing scans, feel free to contact us and / or send new scans to submissions < at > janesaddiciton < dot > org. & Merger

As of today, and have merged into this single website.  This has been a long time coming, and mostly has been held up by me needing to sit my ass down and do the server work to get it done.  For those of you unaware, I have been hosting on my server for quite some time now and of course Mike has been amazing with his help in nailing down an unbelievable amount of solid tour information and more.  So it really was the natural move to combine our efforts.

There is still some work to be done, but most of the stuff from has been moved and setup over here.  The rest will follow shortly, and in the near future, the domains will simply redirect you here to  All and all, I think this is a really positive move for both sites, and together we’ll continue to be the best single Jane’s Addiction information resource online.

Tour Updates Galore

Mike and I have been hard at work updating the tour section.  Cleaning up venue names, adding artwork, and most importantly adding new shows and correcting info for existing shows.  We’re in dire need for ticket and poster (etc.) scans for the 2009 shows.  So if you have something Jane’s related that you can scan for the site, we’d love to have it.  You can email scans to:  submissions < at > janesaddiction < dot > org – thanks!

Discography updates coming soon…

Forget the Rumours, We’re Still Alive…

Yes, this site is still around.  I finally got around to adding the rest of the 2009 tour dates as well as the upcoming Halloween and 2010 Australian dates to the site.  Meanwhile, Mike has been working like crazy adding a ton of great info (including some newly uncovered dates) to the tour archive.  So check that out.  Discography updates are in the works, so stay tuned…

Slow Updates

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.  I’ve been wrapping up grad school, moving, and taking care of some other personal things.  So time for online work has been limited recently.  I’ll try and get the ever growing backlog of stuff online in the coming weeks and hopefully start getting regular updates going again.  Until then, I hope everyone is enjoying the NIN/JA tour!

User Registration Issues Fixed

If you have recently tried to register with this site and have not recieved an email with your password, please contact me at erik [ a t ] janesaddiction [ d o t ] org  from the address you registered with, give me your username and I will send you your password.  Something in the anti-spam system fucked up and caused emails to not go out.  That’s been fixed, but that leaves a handful of accounts in limbo.  Sorry about that.